Friends of Manchester Trees Host Native Plant Trust Speaker at Summer Soirée
On July 18th, the Friends of Manchester Trees (FOMT) held its annual Member Soiree with special guest speaker, Uli Lorimer, the Native Plant Trust's Director of Horticulture and author of The Northeast Native Plant Primer. Kurt and Therese Melden of Masconomo Street kindly offered their home for the gala event. Along with spectacular waterfront views, guests remarked about the property’s impressive collection of copper beech, oak, sweet gum, firs, tulip poplar, and even unique Frankenstein pear trees.
Founded in 1973, FOMT is the main benefactor for the planting of public trees in Manchester. Speaking to an audience of over 100 members, Board President Jody Morse expressed gratitude, saying, “This evening is our way of thanking you for your dedication to nurturing and planting our community trees. In the last fifty years, we've planted over 1,200 trees and we continue to rely on you to fulfill our mission. This year we planted 21 new trees and began treatments on our Beech and Ash trees which are facing threats from Beach Leaf Disease and Emerald Ash Borer. Your ongoing support is pivotal for maintaining a thriving tree canopy in our town.”
Lorimer’s presentation emphasized the importance of urban and rural 'street' trees that purify our air and water, provide essential cooling shade, support wildlife, and enhance mental health. He discussed the benefits of planting native species which form symbiotic relationships with local wildlife, strengthening the ecosystem. He also touched on effective planting methods such as the use of 'tree pits' and guards, and sourcing container-grown specimens. To conclude, he recommended a number of native species that would be suitable to expand and diversify our urban forest here in Manchester. Attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm for the hard work and dedication of FOMT Directors and volunteers.

Over a hundred members and guests attended the party, which celebrated an organization that has planted and cared for over 1,200 new trees in Manchester over the past fifty years.

Kurt Melden, host, and Stephanie Senecal, FOMT member. (Therese Melden, host, not pictured.)

Uli Lorimer, guest speaker, from the Native Plant Trust.
Uli Lorimer gave an engaging and informative lecture.

George Smith, former FOMT President and current Board Member, speaking to Jim Behnke who oversees FOMT's Neighborhood Shade Tree program.

Jody Morse, FOMT President, graciously thanks members and introduces guest speaker, Uli Lorimer.

KJ Carvalho and Emily Lyons, current Board Members greet members and assist with name badges.

Emily Lyons, current Board Member, speaking to Michael Carvalho about FOMTs successful Arbor Day initiative.

Soiree Guests mingle and enjoy libations and summer fare.

Tom Henderson, FOMT's Consulting Arborist, talking with guest speaker, Uli Lorimer, Native Plant Trust.

FOMT members enjoyed quintessential summer weather and beautiful vistas of Bakers Island and beyond.

To provide support for the planting, preservation, and care of trees in the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea.
The Friends...
Provide funding for the planting of new Town trees.
Encourage and foster the planting, preservation, care, and maintenance of trees and shrubs in the parks and public lands in the Town of Manchester.
Advocate respect for the aesthetic, ecological, and horticultural value of trees for the benefit of every resident.
Provide input to the Town regarding decisions for removal of dead or diseased trees.
Research, assess, and communicate timely information for the care and preservation of trees in cooperation with Town leadership and residents' interests.
Collect and disseminate timely information to appropriate public officials and concerned citizens regarding their care and preservation.
Discover the many programs we undertake to support our mission.
Join your neighbors in the Manchester community to ensure the health of our trees and natural beauty of our town.

Tree Arrival, Inspection & Planting!
April 2024