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Celebrating Trees

Arbor Day 2024

Arbor Day was celebrated on April 26, 2024 at Memorial School with the planting of a new Red Oak tree.  All the fifth graders attended along their with teachers, while Principal Willis read the official Arbor Day Proclamation. Tom Henderson, our Tree Warden, then explained to the students how to properly plant a tree so that it has adequate soil and oxygen for healthy growth. The Fifth grade students had an opportunity to add healthy soil to the new planting. The kindergarten classes arrived in time to celebrate and cheer for their new tree in honor of Arbor Day.

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Special Thanks to our Arbor Day Planning & Planting Teams

Our planting team leaders, A and H Tree Service and our Tree Warden, Tom Henderson, helped make this Arbor day a success.
Manchester Memorial Elementary now has a new Red Oak tree.
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Arbor Day Traditions

National Arbor Day, an annual observance that celebrates the role of trees in our lives and promotes tree planting and care, was celebrated at Manchester Memorial Elementary School on April 26, 2024. The first Arbor Day in 1872 was celebrated with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska. Arbor Day is now observed throughout the world, including here in Manchester!

Every spring , Friends of Manchester Trees has requested our Select Board to proclaim Arbor Day in Manchester. We also sponsor special events, which includes planting a tree with the fifth graders at Memorial School. ​

Arbor Day celebrations draw attention to the benefits of trees. Trees reduce soil erosion caused by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate land and water temperatures, clean the air, produce life-giving oxygen, provide wildlife habitat, increase property values, and add beauty to the community.

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